Configura tu router con una VPN

Configura tu router con una VPN

Con una red a través de VPN

Configura el acceso

La contraseña:


Añade tu llave ssh:

vim /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys

Confirma que tienes acceso por ssh antes de cambiar los parametros siguientes

vim /etc/config/dropbear
	config dropbear
        option RootPasswordAuth 'off'
        option Port         '22'

Actualiza e Instala paquetes

opkg update

opkg install vim screen mtr openssl-util openvpn-openssl ca-certificates libustream-openssl ca-bundle

Cambiar el nombre de host del router

vim /etc/config/system


/etc/init.d/system reload

Configurando la red

  • añadir interfaces

  • añadir switch rules

    vim /etc/config/network

Añade la interfaz que será la VPN

    config interface 'leap'
        option ifname 'leap'

Añade la interfaz que usará la VPN

    config interface 'tunnel'
        option type 'bridge'
        option proto 'static'
        option ifname ' eth0.10'
        option netmask ''
        option ipaddr ''

Añade una nueva switch rule (!)ten cuidado con los números, no cambies el switch_vlan que viene por defecto(!)

    config switch_vlan
        option device 'switch0'

Por defecto deberías tener otras swith rules (switch_vlan) con el número 1 o/y 2, así que da uno nuevo, en este caso el 3:

        option vlan '3'

El número de identificación del la interfaz tunnel, eth0.10:

        option vid '10'

Y por último añade el puerto ’t' (tagged), el mismo numero que aparece en las otras switch rules

        option ports '6t'

Recarga con:

/etc/init.d/network reload

Configurando el cortafuegos

  • añadir zonas

  • añadir transporte

  • añadir reglas

    vim /etc/config/firewall

      config zone
          option name		leap
          list network		'leap'
          option input		REJECT
          option output		ACCEPT
          option forward		ACCEPT
          option masq		1
      config zone
          option name		tunnel
          list network		'tunnel'
          option input		REJECT
          option output		ACCEPT
          option forward		ACCEPT
          option log		1
      config forwarding
          option src 		tunnel
          option dest		leap
      config forwarding
          option src		tunnel
          option dest		wan
      config forwarding
          option src 		lan
          option dest		tunnel
      config forwarding
          option src		lan
          option dest		leap
      config rule
          option name		ssh
          option target		ACCEPT
          option src		wan
          option proto		tcp
          option dest_port	22
      config rule
          option target		ACCEPT
          option name		dns-tunnel
          option src		tunnel
          option dest_port	53
      config rule
          option target		ACCEPT
          option name		dhcp-tunnel
          option src		tunnel
          option dest_port	67-68

Recargar con:

/etc/init.d/firewall reload

Configurando el inalámbrico

  • Agregar interfaces wifi

Puedes tener un wifi que te dará acceso a internet en claro usando la red “lan” y el otro que te dará acceso a la VPN usando la red “tunel”.

vim /etc/config/wireless

	config wifi-iface 'default_radio0'
        option device 'radio0'
        option network 'lan'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid '[wifi-name]'
        option encryption 'psk2'
        option key '[aGreatPassword]'
	config wifi-iface 'default_radio1'
        option device 'radio1'
        option network 'tunnel'
        option mode 'ap'
        option encryption 'psk2'
        option ssid '[wifi-name-VPN]'
        option key '[aGreatPassword]'

Recarga con:

/etc/init.d/network reload

Añadir la nueva interfaz en el DHCP

vim /etc/config/dhcp

	config dhcp 'tunnel'
        option interface 'tunnel'
        option start '30'
        option limit '253'
        option leasetime '12h'

Además, añade estas líneas en el ‘config dnsmasq’ porque son necesarias para la VPN:

        list server ''
        list server ''	

Setting up OpenVPN

  • Añade las IP’s que usa la VPN
  • Agregar la ubicación de los certificados que veremos en el paso siguiente “LEAP”
  • Cambiar algunos parámetros

Aquí hay un ejemplo de un archivo de configuración:

 package openvpn

# Sample to include a custom config file.       #

config openvpn leap

	option route_up /etc/leap/openvpn/scripts/

	# Set to 1 to enable this instance:
	option enabled 1
	option log /tmp/ovpn.log
	# Specify that we are a client and that we
	# will be pulling certain config file directives
	# from the server.
	option client 1
	# Use the same setting as you are using on
	# the server.
	# On most systems, the VPN will not function
	# unless you partially or fully disable
	# the firewall for the TUN/TAP interface.
#	option dev tap
	option dev leap
	option dev_type tun

	# Are we connecting to a TCP or
	# UDP server?  Use the same setting as
	# on the server.
	option proto tcp
#	option proto udp

	# The hostname/IP and port of the server.
	# You can have multiple remote entries
	# to load balance between the servers.
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"
	list remote " 443 tcp4"

	option script_security 2
	option persist_key 1
	option persist_local_ip 1
	option auth SHA1
	option keepalive "10 30"

	# Choose a random host from the remote
	# list for load_balancing.  Otherwise
	# try hosts in the order specified.
#	option remote_random 1

	# Keep trying indefinitely to resolve the
	# host name of the OpenVPN server.  Very useful
	# on machines which are not permanently connected
	# to the internet such as laptops.
	option resolv_retry infinite

	# Most clients don't need to bind to
	# a specific local port number.
	option nobind 1

	# Try to preserve some state across restarts.
	option persist_key 1
	option persist_tun 1
	option user nobody
	option group nogroup

	# If you are connecting through an
	# HTTP proxy to reach the actual OpenVPN
	# server, put the proxy server/IP and
	# port number here.  See the man page
	# if your proxy server requires
	# authentication.
	# retry on connection failures:
#	option http_proxy_retry 1
	# specify http proxy address and port:
#	option http_proxy " 8080"

	# Wireless networks often produce a lot
	# of duplicate packets.  Set this flag
	# to silence duplicate packet warnings.
#	option mute_replay_warnings 1
	# SSL/TLS parms.
	# See the server config file for more
	# description.  It's best to use
	# a separate .crt/.key file pair
	# for each client.  A single ca
	# file can be used for all clients.
	option ca /etc/leap/openvpn/ca.pem
	option cert /etc/leap/openvpn/cert.pem
	option key /etc/leap/openvpn/privkey.pem

	# Verify server certificate by checking
	# that the certicate has the nsCertType
	# field set to "server".  This is an
	# important precaution to protect against
	# a potential attack discussed here:
	# To use this feature, you will need to generate
	# your server certificates with the nsCertType
	# field set to "server".  The build_key_server
	# script in the easy_rsa folder will do this.
	option remote_cert_tls server

	# If a tls_auth key is used on the server
	# then every client must also have the key.
#	option tls_auth "/etc/openvpn/ta.key 1"
	option tls_client
	option tls_cipher DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA

	# Select a cryptographic cipher.
	# If the cipher option is used on the server
	# then you must also specify it here.
	option cipher AES-128-CBC

	# Set log file verbosity.
	option verb 1

	# Silence repeating messages
#	option mute 20

¡Espera para recargar o para iniciar openvpn! Deberías hacer el siguiente paso antes:

Setting up LEAP

  • Crear la carpeta LEAP

  • Copiar 2 scripts

  • Crear la carpeta LEAP/OPENVPN

  • Copiar 2 scripts

    mkdir /etc/leap mkdir /etc/leap/openvpn vim /etc/leap/

Copia este script en


wget --ca-certificate $DIR/ca.crt -O $DIR/combined.pem 	$API/1/cert 

openssl x509 -subject -noout -in $DIR/combined.pem 
openssl x509 -dates -noout -in $DIR/combined.pem 
openssl x509 -purpose -noout -in $DIR/combined.pem 

openssl rsa -check -inform PEM -pubout -in $DIR/	combined.pem > $DIR/pubkey.pem

if openssl x509 -in $DIR/combined.pem  > $DIR/cert.pem
    echo "cert success"
    cp $DIR/cert.pem $OVPNDIR/cert.pem
    echo "cert fail"

if openssl rsa -check -inform PEM -in $DIR/combined.pem > 	$DIR/privkey.pem
    echo "privkey succes"
    cp $DIR/privkey.pem $OVPNDIR/privkey.pem

    echo "privkey fail"


vim /etc/leap/

Este script dentro:

#wget -O combined.pem 


/usr/sbin/openvpn --setenv LEAPOPENVPN 1 \
--nobind \
--client \
--dev leap \
--dev-type tun \
--tls-client \
--remote-cert-tls server \
--script-security 2 \
--persist-key \
--persist-local-ip \
--user nobody \
--group nogroup \
--verb 7 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \ 
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \ 
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--remote 443 tcp4 \
--tls-cipher DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA \
--cipher AES-128-CBC \
--auth SHA1 \
--keepalive 10 30 \
--ca $OVPNDIR/ca.pem \
--cert $OVPNDIR/cert.pem \
--key $OVPNDIR/privkey.pem \
--route-noexec \
--up $OVPNDIR/scripts/ \
--route-up $OVPNDIR/scripts/ \

#--ipchange $OVPNDIR/scripts/ \
#--down $OVPNDIR/scripts/ \

#--user nobody \
#--group nogroup \

Tambien este fichero

vim /etc/leap/openvpn/

Y copia este script dentro

#!/bin/sh -x

# Checks to see if there is an IP routing table named 	'vpn', create if missing
if [ $(cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables | grep vpn | wc -l) -eq 	0 ]; then
    echo "100     vpn" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

$ip rule | sed -n 's/.*\(from[ \t]*[0-9\.]*\).*vpn/\1/p' | 	while read RULE
        $ip rule del ${RULE}
#echo del: $rule

if $ip route add unreachable default table vpn
	echo "default unreachable already there"
	echo "added default unreable in table vpn"

# Delete the default route setup when the OpenVPN tunnel 	was established
$ip route del via ${route_vpn_gateway}
$ip route del via ${route_vpn_gateway}

# Add routes to the vpn routing table
$ip rule add from ${ifconfig_local} lookup vpn

# Add the route to direct all traffic using the the vpn 	routing table to the tunX interface
$ip route add dev ${dev} table vpn
$ip route add dev ${dev} table vpn

exit 0

Crea este fichero:

vim /etc/leap/openvpn/

Y copia este script:

#!/bin/ash -x

#./openvpn/scripts/ leap 1500 1559 init

date >> /tmp/ovpn-up.log
env >> /tmp/ovpn-up.log

ip addr show dev "$dev"

if [[ "$script_type" == 'up' ]]
#cat >> /tmp/ovpn-cmd.log <<EOF
#ip route add $route_vpn_gateway via $route_net_gateway 	table 33
#ifconfig $dev $ifconfig_local $ifconfig_netmask up
#ip route add default via $route_vpn_gateway table 33

echo up
	echo "not up"


Lanza la VPN

  • Renueva el certificado y verifica que se ha descargado
  • Stop openvpn
  • Ejecuta el script y comprueba que la VPN funciona
  • Iniciar OpenVPN
  • Comprueba si todo funciona correctamente
Primero, descarga los certificados ejecutando este script:
Asegúrate de que OpenVPN no esté ejecutándose
/etc/init.d/openvpn stop
Utiliza dos ventanas (con screen) para hacer comprobaciones mientras el script se está ejecutando, una vez hecho harás Ctrl+C para detenerlo.

En la segunda ventana: Comprueba si aparece la interfaz leap y anota la IP que usa:

ip a

Por ejemplo:

28: leap: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN qlen 100
	inet brd scope global leap

Comprueba con ip route, debería aparecer la IP y br-tunnel, de esta manera:

0:	from all lookup local 
32764:	from lookup vpn 
32765:	from all iif br-tunnel lookup vpn 
32766:	from all lookup main 
32767:	from all lookup default 

Si este último no aparece, hacer esto:

ip rule add from all iif br-tunnel lookup vpn	

Comprueba la tabla vpn si aparece

ip route show table vpn

Si aparece esto: dev leap scope link 
unreachable default dev leap scope link 

Necesitas hacer estas lineas:

ip route del table vpn

ip route del table vpn

ip route add via dev leap table vpn

ip route add dev leap table vpn

ip route add via dev leap table vpn

Entonces, comprueba si la VPN está funcionando:

ping -I

Así que, si todo funciona, ahora puedes detener el script con CTRL+C E iniciar openvpn

/etc/init.d/openvpn start

Podría suceder que necesites rehacer y recargar openvpn. Por si acaso, verifica cada uno de los pasos desde ip a hasta ping con la openvpn ejecutandose y sin el script

Así que tu wifi que usa la interfaz de lan va por internet en claro y la wifi que usa tunnel va por la VPN de LEAP, comprueba des del device que se conecte a cada uno de los dos wifi con mtr o traceroute