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![]() what|when|where|why|inside hmbcn00 WHAT DOES IT MEAN HMBCN'00 Hackmeeting Barcelona IS IT A MEETING OF HACKERS THEN? hmbcn'00 is not only a metting of hackers. ANd it is not a meeting of people merely interested in new technologies and their social aspects. It is far more than this: it's all this, but it takes plece in free place of Barcelona (Les Naus). The name of the meeting come from the italian version of the event (http://www.hackmeeting.org) which has been hold in Centri Sociali Occupati since the 1998, and that has been source of inspiration for us. WHEN? 20 - 21 -22 October 2000 WHERE? In Les Naus: Calle Alegre de dalt, 52. Barcellona. It's a yellow painted house in front of the KGB bar, in the Garcia barrio. Underground stop is Joanic (4th (yellow) line). Important Notice: In the house omophobic or xenophobic behaviours are not tollerated. We don't like people who think of themselves as superiors and who live their lives thrashing other prople. Instead we welcome anybody who leave the little fascist leaving sometimes inside of us on the doorsteps. Inside the house there will be only party, friendship amd good rolling... Furthermore, Les Naus is a vegan place, ie. we don't prepare meals containing animals or food derived from animals, and we don't serve gas drinks at the bar, to stress our opposition to the capitalist exploitation that these ones support. If you had still any doubt, Les Naus is a squatted house since 7 years ago, ie. it has grown with this sort of discussions and debates about life- and behaviour styles in which we strongly believe. AND WHO ARE YOU? We are a group coming from different places in the Net, all sharing an interest in putting our hands in it,ie. hacking it. The organization of the event and the coordination among us take place on a mailing list open to anyone who would like to purpose ideas, cooperate, or just lurk around. * Messages to the ml: hackmeeting@sindominio.net * subscribe: send a mail to hackmeeting-request@sindominio.net writing "subscribe" (without quoting) in the subject. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS The hackmeeting would like to be a moment to meet all of us who know each other from thousand of electronic mails and 'cyber-subversive' venues, and to take a break in the middle of the attack that the system is launching against the Internet, a free place of horizontal communication that must not cease to exist as such. Big Exchange manouvers or repeated techno-controlling interventions by State Governments and Corporations seem to have canceled or discouraged many Net-surfers who seek, often all by themselves, to bring down the storm through opinions, through independent information media, or through the invention of new routes and programs in response to the pressing needs or just out of fun. We would like to gather with people who still believe that it's possible to support each others' fight inside, outside and by means of the Net, that it's possible to know each others' fights and to share our visions. Who are we? Where are we going? WHAT WILL THE HACKMEETING BE? Mainly debates and workshops, but also cyberpunk movies, a LAN and parties. We still do not know precisely what we will be talking about, since we are still not enough to support what would be our ideal list of debates [*], but we will do our best to be up to it! Anyone interested in preparing some of the workeshops or of the debates si welcome to do so. We are also eager to have more ideas, that should be sent to the hackmeeting@sindominio.net mailing list.
WORKSHOPS or How to bend technology to our interests:
OK: BUT WHAT THE FUCK WILL THIS HACKMEETING BE? The final schedule of debates and workshop is being prepared during this summer. It's totally open and any person or any group who would like to prepare a workshop or a debate can do it. Anyone who thinks of having something to say to the community which is organizing the event is welcome to do it, much more than any cyberVIP you could think of... Write us on the list (hackmeeting@sindominio.net). WILL SOMEONE COVER MY TRAVEL EXPENSES IF I COME TO TALK ABOUT SOMETHING? We doubt it, unless you come from far far far far far far far far far away, because we don't have the possibility to afford it. At the entrance we'll ask for a contribution (more or less 5$) that will be given to the organization of the event. |
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