The Hackmeeting 2012

De Hackmeeting





Welcome to the HackaFou!

12, 13 & 14 October 2012 @ CaLaFou


Let's get with the info about the hackmeeting to all of those people that would like to know about it!

What will happen who will meet whom during this Hackmeeting depends on you! Spread this Call 4 Nodes around, contaminate minds with it's viral power! Use all the possible ways to communicate it: blogs, mailing lists, microblogging, radio, ultraviolet waves, smoke signs, send bottled messages, dance it on the streets and fly....!

Here you can find ASCII version of this call.

Spanish not known??

If you want to come to the Hackmeeting 2012 and you don't speak Spanish nor Catalan, there are at least two things you can do in order to ensure your enjoyable participation:

  • check out if there are any brave translators available for the hm
  • put your name on the list of people that need translator(s) assistance
  • communicate via this mailing list what are your needs/expectations (forget about a jacuzzi!) and if/what you want to contribute

Calafou, Vallbona d'Anoia, Barcelona

Let's get it rolling!

What is a Hackmeeting?

Hackmeeting is a free and self-organised gathering around new technologies, their social implications, free circulation of knowledge and techniques, privacy, collective cretion, telematic conflict... It is for all those curious people that wish to share theri sills and experiences and live the process of coordination in a participative way among the others. Some workshops require advanced IT skills and some don't; and some are not even about IT.

What activities can you expect?

Talks, workshops, discussions and many other types of activities are called nodes. Have a look in our archives and see the materials registered during previous editions to get some idea what is it all about. All the nodes are held by the volunteers. Here is this year's programme.


If we want to open-up the hackmeeting to non-Spanish-speakers, we need to have volunteers to simultaneously translate nodes held in Spanish/Catalan to other languages. If you want to pick up the challenge, please list yourself as a translators. Don't forget to mention languages you can manage!


Hackmeeting is about participation!

  • There is an attendance list where you can inform us for how many days you wish to come to the hackmeeting so we can prepare enough food and sleeping places. (you can use anonymous account to do it)
  • propose a node and share your knowledge/skills/experiences. Inrormation wants to be free!
  • Ask for nodes you would like to attend/see/hear.
  • Add yourself to the translators team.
  • 'editar' button allows you to edit this page - feel home!

To do

Other Hackmeetings: Italia, México, Chile, Bolivia. Porto.
